Preparing for Christmas in November!

A little compilation of things I do/use to help me get ready for Christmas! I hope you find this helpful, let me know if there is anything else you do that would make the festive period run smoothly! A planner Fail to prepare and prepare to fail! Call it mum-brain or whatever you like, justContinueContinue reading “Preparing for Christmas in November!”

✨December box ✨

On 1st December every year, , Parker receives his ’December’ box to mark the arrival of the festive period. The box contains lots and lots of activities to keep him busy throughout December and he loves it! It’s something we have been doing for a while, and will continue to do. Each year in hisContinueContinue reading “✨December box ✨”

Teacher Gift ideas

I shared on Instagram that I had bought some teacher gifts for Parker’s nursery teachers, and by popular request, I’ve shared the links below to the things I bought from EBay! There are no affiliate links etc, I’m just sharing because it’s caring 😉 😂 These are very cheap & cheerful gifts as P hasContinueContinue reading “Teacher Gift ideas”

DIY: Minecraft Creeper Piñata!

This year for his birthday, Parker chose the theme himself for the very first time! Normally I just go with whatever he’s into that has the most party supplies available! (Note: in the UK, Blaze and the Monster Machines, and Thomas & Friends themes have been so hard to buy reasonably priced party supplies for!)ContinueContinue reading “DIY: Minecraft Creeper Piñata!”

A Lockdown Christmas

Christmas this year is looking very different so far; In Glasgow (I specify as I know there will be different rules not only for individual countries, but also individual counties or districts) we will have a very small allowance over Christmas time (23rd-27th December), where we can meet with 2 other households if we wish,ContinueContinue reading “A Lockdown Christmas”